Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Volume 2: Book 10 - Chapter 16

Characters Present:

Prince Andrew Bolkónski

Commander-in-Chief/Prince Kutúzhov



Prince Andrew and Kutúzhov have a meeting, where Kutúzhov says that he is very fond of Prince Andrew, and that he must consider him as a second father.

Kutúzhov then laments the actions taken in previous wars, that have led to the current state of Russia, and it's war with France.   He becomes quite emotional, and says that he will make the French eat their horses.

Prince Andrew leaves the meeting, feeling like the right choice was made to make Kutúzhov Commander-in-Chief.

Friday, 22 September 2017

Volume 2: Book 10 - Chapter 15

Characters Present:

Prince Andrew Bolkónski

Vaska Denísov
Commander in Chief/Prince Kutúzhov



Prince Andrew is summoned to headquarters by General Kutúzhov, who is absent when Prince Andrew arrives.

Prince Andrew speaks with Denísov for a while, each reminding the other of Natasha, as they had both been betrothed to her. 

General Kutúzhov arrives, and is described as having grown "corpulent, flaccid and fat", and as making the porch creak as he dismounts from his horse.  

Kutúzhov gets a bit upset about news of Prince Nicholas' death.

Denísov suggests a clever way to cut French communication lines, which Kutúzhov discards, as he dislikes clever people for no obvious reason other than that he is old.

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Volume 2: Book 10 - Chapter 14

Characters Present:

Princess Mary Bolkonskaya

Nicholas Rostóv



Nicholas calls for Dron, the leader of the peasant's to be brought to him, and Dron is subsequently locked in a cupboard while Nicholas rallies the peasants to load Princess Mary's carts.

He has a conversation with Princess Mary before she departs, and they, unbeknownst to one another, fall in love. Dron is released from the cupboard.

Nicholas feels agitated by the taunts by his comrades, but only because he doesn't know what to do about Sonya, his cousin, to whom he is betrothed.  

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Volume 2: Book 10 - Chapter 13

Characters Present:

Princess Mary Bolkonskaya

Nicholas Rostóv



Nicholas and Ilyín ride into Boguchárovo, which has been between opposing armies for a few days.

Alpátych approaches them, and asks them for help: the peasants will not allow Princess Mary to leave, threatening to unharness her horses if she tries.  They have however, stated that they will serve her, as before, if she stays.

Nicholas goes to speak with Princess Mary, and he seems quite taken with her fragility.  She explains to him what has happened, and he assures her that she will have a safe passage away from the village.

Friday, 15 September 2017

Volume 2: Book 10 - Chapter 12

Characters Present:

Princess Mary Bolkonskaya



Princess Mary spends some time brooding alone in her bedroom. 

She thinks of her father, wondering what he meant when he said "dear-est" just before he died.

Princess Mary eventually realises that he meant "Dunyásha" and starts screaming it loudly as she runs to the servant's quarters, and towards her old nursemaid.

Monday, 11 September 2017

Volume 2: Book 10 - Chapter 11

Characters Present:

Princess Mary Bolkonskaya
The Peasants



Princess Mary is visited by Dron an hour after he first left, who tells her that the peasants have come to speak with her.

Princess Mary goes outside to ask why they haven't left for Moscow, or taken the grain that she offered them.

She gives an impassioned speech, saying to them what what is hers is theirs, but is met by a grim silence. 

Eventually, she asks why they won't leave for safety, and the answer comes back in several voices from the crowd, that imply that she is tricking them into slavery by getting them to move on to Moscow.  They would prefer to stay where they are, despite the danger from the French.

Friday, 8 September 2017

Volume 2: Book 10 - Chapter 10

Characters Present:


Princess Mary Bolkonskaya
Mademoiselle Bourienne
General Rameu



Princess Mary is grieving alone for her father, but eventually, Mademoiselle Bourienne comes to weep with her.  Mademoiselle Bourienne hands over a letter from the French army, saying that General Rameu has offered to take them under his protection.

This announcement spurs Princess Mary into action, and she calls Dron (this is prior to Alpátych's conversation with him), to tell him to give Prince Andrew's grain to the peasants.  

She starts to worry about the French occupying her house and going through her brother and father's things. 

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Volume 2: Book 10 - Chapter 9

Characters Present:




Alpátych goes on ahead to Boguchárovo, which is part of the Bolkónski holdings, to tell the peasants to abandon it and move into Moscow, as the French had unexpectedly made it closer than expected.

The Boguchárovovians had the reputation of being rather stubborn with a tendency to rebel against the ruling classes, and this is confirmed when Alpátych has some trouble convincing their leader, Dron, that they should pack up carts and leave.

Though he eventually gets a small agreement from Dron in the end, nothing has been done to affect the move by evening, and Alpátych readies himself to get the help of the police.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Volume 2: Book 10 - Chapter 8

Characters Present:

Old Prince Nicholas Bolkónski

Princess Mary Bolkónskaya


Bald Hill Estate, then Boguchárovo 

When Alpátych returns from Smolénsk, Prince Nicholas finally has the realisation that his household is in danger and everyone goes, except for Princess Mary, who refuses to leave her father, who is insisting on staying to defend Ball Hills.

Prince Nicholas then has a stroke, and becomes paralysed down one side his body, and loses the ability to speak very clearly.  

Princess Mary goes to sit with him, and he manages to tell her that he always thinks of her, thanks her for everything, then asks her to send for Andrew. Mary replies that she had a letter from Andrew saying that Smolénsk was lost, and Prince Nicholas begins to weep. 

Mary goes for a short walk in the garden, and the doctor comes out to say that the old prince has died.

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Volume 2: Book 10 - Chapter 7

Characters Present:

Napoleon Bonaparte
Nicholas Rostóv


Russia, Moscow

This chapter details the French historian, Thiers' account of Napoleon's battle-journey through Russia.  He says that Napoleon was drawn to Moscow against his will, by the Russian forces. 

It also details a conversation had between Napoleon and the Cossack, Lavrúska, where Napoleon pretends not to be Napoleon, and Lavrúska pretends not to know that he is Napoleon.

They have a circular conversation about who will win the war, then they part ways. 

Lavrúska returns to his master, Nicholas Rostóv, who takes him on a horse-ride around some neighbouring villages to Ilyín. 

Monday, 4 September 2017

Volume 2: Book 10 - Chapter 6

Characters Present:

Anna Pávlovna
Countess Hélène Berzúkhova
General, Prince, Commander-in-Chief Kutúzov
Prince Vasíli Kurágin
Barclay de Tolley



The social circles are all gossiping about the war, and  Anna Pávlovna's circle has contradictory gossip to Countess Hélène Berzúkhova's social circle.

Prince Vasíli goes to visit Anna Pávlovna on several occasions, and General Kutúzov tends to be the topic of conversation.

Apparently Barclay de Tolley is doing a terrible job at commanding the army, but Kutúzov seems to be ok, though no one really commits to this idea.

Then, Kutúzov gets promoted to Prince Kutúzov, and then, on the same day, also promoted to Commander-in-Chief Kutúzov, even though the Tsar doesn't really like him. Kurágin says that he has always thought that Kutúzov was a man of great merit.

Sunday, 3 September 2017

Volume 2: Book 10 - Chapter 5

Characters Present:

General Bagratión
Prince Andrew Bolkónski


Near Bald Hill Estate

Prince Andrew takes his regiment along the avenue leading to Bald Hill Estate.  Here he meets Alpátych, who is frightened, and also confirms that Old Prince Nicholas and Princess Mary have gone to Moscow.

He receives a letter from General Bagratión, saying that Smolénsk had fallen, though he didn't understand why, as his men found for 35 hours, and Napoleon's fell back after 14 hours.  General Bagratión goes on to say that the whole army is suspicious of the Imperial aide-de-camp, Wolzogen, and says that he is more Napoleon's man than Alexander's.

All the men go for a swim in the pond as the weather has been hot.

Friday, 1 September 2017

Volume 2: Book 10 - Chapter 4

Characters Present:


Princess Mary Bolkónskaya
Prince Andrew Bolkónski


Bald Hill Estate, then 40 miles away, in Smolénsk

Dessalles tells Princess Mary to send a letter via Alpátych to the governor in Smolénsk to ask advice as to whether they should leave Bald Hills or not, due to the fighting.

Alpátych arrives in Smolénsk, and the town is being abandoned, with sounds of firing getting closer, and chaos in the streets. 

He goes to visit the governor who gives him a letter to take back, which says that everything is fine in Smolénsk.

Alpátych then runs into Prince Andrew, who gives him another letter, saying that they should all go to Moscow.  

Alpáytch's innkeeper beats his wife to death for wanting to leave, and then houses start to burn down.