Thursday, 26 July 2018

Volume 3: Book 13 - Chapter 18

Characters Present:





Kalúga and Malo-Yaroslávets 

Kutúzov orders the evacuation of Kalúga and Dokhtúrov goes on to Malo-Yaroslávets.

The French army are in retreat.  There is a council at Malo-Yaroslávets, where Napoleon, in agreement with a simple soldier called Mouton, decides that the French must get away as quickly as possible.

Some Cossacks almost capture Napoleon, but get distracted by plundering instead. 

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Volume 3: Book 13 - Chapter 17

Characters Present:

Peter Petróvich Konovnítsyn



Similar to all old people at night, Kutúzov is having trouble sleeping. He is thinking about the Battle of Borodíno, and the general events of the war. 

He hears a noise outside, which turns out to be Bolkhovítinov, Toll and Konovnítsyn.  They tell him the news of Napoleon no longer being in Moscow.  Kutúzov begins to weep, and says that Russia is saved.

Friday, 20 July 2018

Volume 3: Book 13 - Chapter 16

Characters Present:


Peter Petróvich Konovnítsyn



Bolkhovítino is the officer selected to deliver the dispatch to the General Staff, and he arrives in the middle of a warm autumn night.

He wakes up Konovnítsyn and Shcherbínin, who make the decision that Kutúzov must be awoken at once.

Thursday, 19 July 2018

Volume 3: Book 13 - Chapter 15

Characters Present:




Dokhtúrov had been quietly going about his business during each battle with the French, and has not only survived, but has done a good job at doing what he was supposed to do. 

He has now been sent to Formínsk to launch an attack against the French.  However, he finds the entire French army there, instead of just a few battalions and is unsure what to do. 

Dokhtúrov sends a dispatch to the General Staff to find out what to do.

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Volume 3: Book 13 - Chapter 14

Characters Present:

Pierre Bezukhov



Pierre and the rest of the prisoners are in the parade of people, carts and looted goods leaving Moscow.

The French soldiers begin to treat the prisoners quite badly, and give then horse-flesh for dinner after a full day of marching at a fast pace.

Pierre sits by himself and laughs uncontrollably, as while the French have his body as a prisoner, they cannot imprison his immortal soul.

Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Volume 3: Book 13 - Chapter 13

Characters Present:

Pierre Bezukhov



The French have started to evacuate Moscow, and are intent on taking the prisoners along with them.

Pierre's friend Sokolóv lays dying in the shed, and Pierre goes to try and talk to an officer to find out if he can take him to the hospital.  The officer, who he thought that he was in good standing with, suddenly doesn't recognise Pierre, and tells Pierre that Sokolóv can walk. 

They leave the shed and walk past a church, where they see a dead, sooty man propped up against the church wall.

Monday, 16 July 2018

Volume 3: Book 13 - Chapter 12

Characters Present:

Pierre Bezukhov



It has been four weeks since Pierre was imprisoned, and rather than feeling trapped, Pierre feels more at peace than he has ever felt.

In not having control of basic needs such as cleanliness  and good food and also having shed any need for pretence as to his actual identity or occupation, he is able to focus on higher things such as philanthropy and inner freedom.

He also thinks on his romantic love for Natasha.

Thursday, 12 July 2018

Volume 3: Book 13 - Chapter 11

Characters Present:

Pierre Bezukhov




Pierre is still a prisoner in the shed, but seems to be allowed to go around in the yard outside.  He has lost weight, but, has maintained a look of manly strength about him.

Pierre has become a favourite with the French, since he speaks French very well, and also, is educated.  

A French soldier who gave some linen to one of the prisoners, Karatáev, to make into a shirt, returns to pick up the shirt.  The Frenchman wants to keep the scraps, but then understands that Karatáev would like to keep them to turn into leg straps, and lets him keep them.

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Volume 3: Book 13 - Chapter 10

Characters Present:




All of the measures that Napoleon put in place failed. 

After the people who lit the fires were executed, Moscow burnt down anyway; the French officers lost track of the Russian Army, which was only located after a time, perhaps by luck, but Murat.  And the looting continued.

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Volume 3: Book 13 - Chapter 9

Characters Present:




Napoleon restores order to Moscow by declaring that the people who set the fires shall be punished.  

He writes a letter to Tsar Alexander, telling him that Count Rostopchín had been terrible, and then he makes Rostopchín burn his own houses down. 

Napoleon reinstates church services, and posts a proclamation encouraging citizens to return to their homes.

He sends Murat out in search of Kutúzov.

Monday, 9 July 2018

Volume 3: Book 13 - Chapter 8

Characters Present:




Tolstoy has a general discussion as to why Napoleon would have allowed his army to plunder Moscow, and to not prepare for winter. 

He also questions historians and their discussions as to why he made such terrible decisions in pursuing or not pursuing Kutúzov. 

Friday, 6 July 2018

Volume 3: Book 13 - Chapter 7

Characters Present:


General Kutúzov 


On the road leading from Stromílova to Dmítrovsk

General Kutúzov is in a column at the front of the army, and Ermólov keeps trying to convince him to attack. Kutúzov resists until he receives news that the French army are in retreat.  Even then, he insists that the troops stop their advance every hundred paces to rest for 45 minutes. 

The Russian side do not manage to capture Murat, and apart from Kutúzov's column, the most the army manages is to get a few hundred of its own men killed. 

Kutúzov and Ermólov both receive awards from the Tsar for their part in the Battle of Tarútino.

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Volume 3: Book 13 - Chapter 6

Characters Present:

Count Orlóv-Denísov
Major-General Grekóv


On the road leading from Stromílova to Dmítrovsk

Orlóv-Denisov's men reach their planned destination for the attack before the rest of the columns reach theirs.  Orlóv-Denísov receives news that Murat might be able to be captured, as he is not camped too far away. 

So, instead of waiting for the battle to begin, Orlóv-Denísov sends two groups of Cossacks, headed by Major-General Grekóv, to capture Murat.  The Cossacks then get caught up in a battle with the French, and will no longer listen to orders, and do not capture Murat as they are too distracted by the fighting. Orlóv-Denísov then gets paranoid that the news that Murat could be captured was actually a ruse.

Things go terribly, and it is probably a good thing that Orlóv-Denísov's column was the least important in the plan of attack.

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Volume 3: Book 13 - Chapter 5

Characters Present:



Letashóvka - 3.5 miles from Tarútino

A decrepit Kutúzov reluctantly drives from Letashóvka to where the attacking columns are supposed to meet.  Instead of  finding an army ready to attack, he finds men busy having breakfast and doing general camp activities. 

He discovers that his orders to attack have not been received, and goes purple with rage and shouts at a lot of officers.  He is also indignant that he, a Supreme Highness, should be made a laughing stock.

Kutúzov reissues the order for the attack, which he disagreed with the first time round and continues to disagree with, to take place on the morrow.

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Volume 3: Book 13 - Chapter 4

Characters Present:



A young officer



A plan is drawn up to attack the Russians on October 4.   A young officer is dispatched to take the plans to Ermólov, but Ermólov seems to have disappeared.

At 8pm, the officer finally discovers that that Ermólov has been at a party all day. He arrives to find general drunkenness, and hands the letter over. 

There is gossip amongst the staff of the Horse Guard that Ermólov went missing on purpose to get Konovnítsyn in trouble.