Characters Present:
Anna Pávlovna
Princess Hélène Kuragina
Princess Lisa Bolkónskaya
Vicomte Mortemart
Pierre Bezukhov
Prince Hippolyte Kurágin
An Abbot
Still at Anna´s reception.
The party is now in full swing, and the guests have formed into three groups; the most interesting being the the one with Mortemart at the centre, who is gossiping about the murder of Duc d´Enghien.
Mortemart is so charming that the beautiful Hélène´s circle merge into his and Mortemart proceeds to tell a tale of Duc d´Enghien going to Paris secretly to visit Mademoiselle George. At her house, he meets Bonaparte, who reportedly also enjoys the Mademoiselle's favours. Apparently Bonaparte fainted in the presence of Duc d´Enghien and due to extreme embarrassment, Bonaparte had the Duc killed.
Anna interrupts an impolite conversation between the Abbot and Pierre, and proceeds to move them into the larger group so that she can observe and control their conversation.
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