Friday, 3 July 2015

Book 2 - Chapter 4

Characters Present:

Nicholas Rostóv
Bondarénko - Rostóv's Ukrainian landlord
Vaska Denísov, - Rostóv's housemate - Cavalry captain
Lavrúska - Denísov's orderly
Lieutenant Teleyánin - a lieutenant in the same squadron as Rostóv


Salzeneck, Germany

Rostóv arrives back at his cottage from a foraging journey early in the morning and firstly has a jovial chat with his landlord, Bondarénko; and secondly, though less jovial, with Lavrúska  who says that Denísov probably lost at cards the previous night, thus his absence.

Denísov returns having indeed lost at cards and is in a bad mood.  Teleyánin, who nobody likes, comes to ask Denísov about the orders for the day, and ends up showing Rostóv how to shoe the crappy horse that he had sold to Rostóv earlier.

The quartermaster comes to collect Denísov's money from cards, and Denísov discovers that his purse is missing. Rostóv tracks down Teleyánin and upon retrieving the stolen purse, Teleyánin gets tearful about his old parents, and Rostóv, though disgusted, tells him to take the money if he really needs it.

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