Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Volume 2: Book 10 - Chapter 22

Characters Present:

Pierre Bezukhov
Boris Drubetskóy



Pierre meets Boris, and Boris promises to show him the line, and though the right flank is very strong, Boris says that the left flank is stronger, but then makes a doubtful sounding remark about Kutúzov knowing what he was doing.

Pierre then goes to speak to Kutúzov about joining the battle, and Boris places himself conveniently near (to be overheard by Kutúzov), and says to Pierre that the militia have put on clean white shirts to be killed in on the morrow.

Kutúzov loses concentration, like old people do, on the conversation, and asks his aide-de-camp to recite a verse, to which Kutúzov nods his head in rhythm to. 

Kutúzov then rides off with Pierre to show him the lines.

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