Thursday, 13 July 2017

Volume 2: Book 9 - Chapter 5

Characters Present:

Adjutant-General Baláshev

Marshal Davoût


A peasant's hut, then Vílna

Baláshev is taken to Marshal Davoút, who is described as being to Napoleon as Arachéev was to Alexander - that is high ranking, but as present as a wolf is in nature, which how he kept his position with gentle, noble Alexander, despite being precise, cruel and cowardly in the face of danger. 

Davoût continues to write at a makeshift desk outside a peasant's hut as Baláshev approaches, and the more animated Baláshev seems, the longer Davoût ignores him.

Eventually Baláshev manages to explain his rank and purpose, which makes Davoût even less respectful, and he takes the missive from Alexander. 

Baláshev is led around with the French for a few days, and is eventually taken back to the very house in Vílna that he had been dispatched from four days earlier, to have an audience with Napoleon.  The French had taken the village. 

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